G.A. (Fred) Wright, PhD, EVP, Circadence® Corporation
Dr. Fred Wright is an EVP at Circadence® Corporation, a market leader in cybersecurity training and education. Fred drives research and development (R&D) for the company’s solutions, working with the business units to ensure development efforts align with rapidly evolving industry and customer needs. Additionally, he works closely with key industry partners to support the executive vision for the organization.
At Circadence, R&D is focused on providing state-of-the-art capabilities to fill the “innovation gap” that exists between cyber threats and defensives. In particular, Circadence is using cloud and artificial intelligence technologies for immersive training and work force development, a critical element in filling “the gap.”
Fred also serves as an adjunct professor in the Georgia Tech School of Computer Science and lead instructor in the Georgia Tech’s Cyber Security Certificate Program.
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